Happy Anniversary Lance
We were lucky to have Lance join us a little over a year ago and all of us at TST wish him a happy anniversary and hope we get to share many more with him!
Here are a few words from Lance:
"Yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of my career as a professional Tattooer. So strange to me. I'm insanely fortunate and grateful to be participating in this life and craft. My path has been full of bliss and at times, tribulation. The troubles are almost always of my own making. The bliss is due to the magic of this thing and the countless people who've helped me, taught me, inspired me, and trusted me. Thanks to EVERYONE, clients, mentors, bosses, coworkers, peers, friends and family. I get out what I put in. I hope in the next 25 to contribute in my own small way to the betterment of this thing, and to give more than I get."
This is an oldie from the 90's